Cordell Hull
Historical Figure
Nationality: United States
Year of Birth: 1871
Year of Death: 1955
Cause of Death: Sarcoidosis
Religion: Episcopalianism
Occupation: Lawyer, Soldier, Politician, Author of Non-Fiction
Parents: William Hull, Mary Riley
Spouse: Rose Witz (d. 1954)
Children: None
Military Branch: United States Army (Spanish-American War)
Political Party: Democratic Party
Political Office(s): United States Representative from Tennessee,
United States Senator from Tennessee,
U.S. Secretary of State
Fictional Appearances:

Cordell Hull (October 2, 1871 - July 23, 1955) was an American politician from Tennessee, in the Democratic Party. He is best-known as the longest-serving Secretary of State, holding the position for 11 years (1933–1944) in the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt during much of World War II. Hull received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1945 for his role in establishing the United Nations, and was referred to by President Roosevelt as the Father of the United Nations.

Cordell Hull in Worldwar[]

Cordell Hull served as United States Secretary of State from 1933 to 1944 under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He held this office during World War II as well as after the Race's Conquest Fleet invaded Earth in 1942. When Vice President Henry Wallace was killed during the war by an explosive-metal bomb in Seattle, Hull became second in the line of succession to the presidency. When President Roosevelt died in 1944, Hull became the 33rd President of the United States. He selected Chief of Staff George Marshall to fill his now-vacated post as Secretary of State.[1]

POD: May 30, 1942
Appearance(s): In the Balance
Striking the Balance
Type of Appearance: Direct
Political Office(s): U.S. Secretary of State,
President of the United States

As the Race presence on American soil had made Congressional elections impossible to that point, Hull was resigned to the possibility that he might continue on as president rather than stand for election in November.[2] The Peace of Cairo did bring the war to an end before the scheduled election.

The Race was initially quite certain that Roosevelt's death and Hull's ascension would lead to the collapse of the U.S., and were quite disappointed when it didn't happen.[3]

Cordell Hull in Days of Infamy[]

Days of Infamy
POD: March, 1941;
Relevant POD: December 7, 1941
Appearance(s): Days of Infamy
Type of Appearance: Contemporary reference

In November 1941, Secretary of State Cordell Hull firmly told Japanese special envoy Saburō Kurusu of America's determination to maintain the oil embargo. Unbeknownst to Hull (and possibly Kurusu as well), a massive Japanese invasion force was even then speeding toward Hawaii.[4]

Cordell Hull in Southern Victory[]

Southern Victory
POD: September 10, 1862
Appearance(s): The Center Cannot Hold
Type of Appearance: Contemporary reference
Nationality: Confederate States
Political Party: Radical Liberal Party

Cordell Hull was the Radical Liberal Party candidate for President of the Confederate States in 1933. Taking no states in the election, he was beaten by Jake Featherston and the Freedom Party. Hull had the sense to follow previous Radical Liberal candidates into obscurity, unlike his running mate, Huey Long.[5]

See Also[]


  1. Striking the Balance, pgs. 111-119, generally.
  2. Id., at 118.
  3. Ibid., pgs. 114-116.
  4. Days of Infamy, p. 16.
  5. The Center Cannot Hold, pg. 468.