Montage Columbus 1-1-

Columbus is the capital and the largest city of the American state of Ohio. Named for explorer Christopher Columbus, the city was founded in 1812 at the confluence of the Scioto and Olentangy rivers, and assumed the functions of state capital in 1816.

Columbus in Days of Infamy[]

Columbus was the hometown of Jane Armitage.

Columbus in The Disunited States of America[]

Columbus was the national capital of Ohio. Prior to the outbreak of the Ohio-Virginia War of 2097, Beckie Royer and her grandmother Myrtle Bentley had planned to fly out of Columbus back home to California.

Columbus in Southern Victory[]

Columbus was the capital of the U.S. state of Ohio. In the summer of 1941 when the Confederate States under Jake Featherston invaded Ohio, Columbus was the site of the first major battle of the Second Great War. Several U.S. divisions were trapped in the city by Confederate general George Patton and forced to surrender when they ran low on ammunition and fuel.[1] The city had suffered major damage by the time the US surrendered, including direct bomb hits on the state capitol. Nevertheless, Columbus served as the Confederate administrative center for occupied Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania until its liberation by Irving Morrell in early 1943.

In late 1941, after the U.S. was cut in half, Tom Colleton managed to get four days leave which he spent in Columbus. As he boarded the train from Sandusky, an M.P. verified he carried his sidearm. The train was delayed an hour and a half because of repairs to sabotaged tracks. Sentries carefully check Colleton's papers before he was allowed into Fort Mahan since there had been problems with infiltrators. In addition, the guards told him of sniper attacks and sabotage. One mentioned that they recently shot a baker for putting ground glass into bread baked for the camp. He also said that he had heard that prostitutes were not seeking treatment for the clap so they could pass it on to Confederate soldiers. Altogether, Colleton could see Columbus had not accepted occupation.


  1. Return Engagement, pgs. 171-172, hc.