Chaim Avigad
Fictional Character
Alpha and Omega
Set in the Future of OTL
Type of Appearance: Direct POV
Nationality: Israel
Religion: Orthodox Judaism
Date of Birth: c. 2006
Occupation: Student
Parents: Tzvi and Rivka Avigad
Relatives: Yitzhak Avigad (uncle);
Sarah Avigad (aunt)
Professional Affiliations: Kibbutz Nair Tamid
Political Office(s): Messiah

Chaim Avigad, along with a half dozen other boys, had been raised by his family to be ritualistically pure. He had been born in a room set above the ground on columns, lived in an upper-story apartment and played above ground, so he would not be polluted. When his uncle Yitzhak took him along on a trip to Arkansas, Chaim wore clunky platform shoes to prevent pollution.

The two had went to examine a red heifer to see if it was ritually pure. They arrived at Bill Henderson's farm and were greeted warmly. Chaim took pleasure in actually walking on dirt and grass, and was excited to see the cows. He found Rosie, the red heifer, to be beautiful and hugged her. Yitzhak examined Rosie closely and found she was ritually pure so agreed to buy her and ship her back to Israel.[1]

The two returned to Kibbutz Nair Tamid where the heifer was also shipped. Chaim would visit with Rosie whenever he could. To keep ritually pure, people at the kibbutz would lay out a roll of indoor-outdoor carpet from his home to the field and then cover it with bubble wrap. The rabbis said this would be sufficient protection. One day, when Chaim was with Rosie, he received a telephone call from Gabriela Sandoval, a TV reporter in America. Chaim was reluctant to talk to her but Yitzhak insisted and so he politely submitted to the interview.[2]


  1. Alpha and Omega, pgs. 9-15, hc.
  2. Ibid., pgs. 26-30.