
This category does not need to be divided into subcategories for every decade. Rule of 3 is sufficient.  TR (talk) 05:19, October 14, 2020 (UTC)

I'm not sure it needs to be divided by decade for any number of stories occuring in that decade. ML4E (talk) 15:22, October 14, 2020 (UTC)

See e.g. How Few Remain which is now cated as being in the 1860s and 1880s just because of a prologue. Busy work without any justification I can see. ML4E (talk) 15:28, October 14, 2020 (UTC)

I don't have a problem with that approach, since it's correct, albeit technically. But you're right, take HFR out, and the 1880s category is two articles, and thus not worth the category.
We'd previously discussed a split, and decided against it. The category hasn't grown much, and, as Matthew has inadvertently demonstrated, we don't have many decades that are well represented. Even with the Rule of 3, I'm not clear that we need to split. TR (talk) 17:53, October 14, 2020 (UTC)
It's weighted to the 1860s. The 1880s category is pretty strong, as most of HFR is set then, and the short stories Gentlemen and Scarlet take place entirely then. The 1890s are loaded by the Three Men tales plus a dinostory. I simply thought we were supposed to put in all year stories for consistency.Matthew Babe Stevenson (talk) 20:15, October 14, 2020 (UTC)
The consistency approach was more or less designed to prevent creating subcategories of 1 or 2 articles. If you are getting ready to split a category, and you're winding up with a bunch of piddly subcats, maybe the split is premature. TR (talk) 21:06, October 14, 2020 (UTC)
I agree, I'd rather have a broad category with some meat to it than a bunch of narrow ones that are each all skin and bones. Turtle Fan (talk) 15:38, October 15, 2020 (UTC)