This category is for historical figures who were at some point in their lives widowed. Their marital status in the works of Harry Turtledove may be different.
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All items (404)
- Abdul Majid II
- John Adams
- Samuel Adams
- Konrad Adenauer
- Edward Porter Alexander
- Edward Alleyn
- George Anderson
- Arnulfo Arias
- Aristotle
- John Atkins
- Clement Attlee, 1st Earl Attlee
- Lucy Bakewell Audubon
- Alben Barkley
- Diana Barrymore
- Roland Beamont
- William Aitken, 1st Baron Beaverbrook
- John Bell
- Tyree Bell
- Jason Betzinez
- Otto von Bismarck
- Hugo Black
- Edwin Booth
- Junius Brutus Booth Jr.
- Boudicca of the Iceni
- Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon
- Spruille Braden
- Omar Bradley
- Arno Breker
- Albert Gallatin Brown
- John Brown
- Roberta Brown
- Buddha
- Ambrose Burnside
- George H. W. Bush
- Benjamin Butler
- Julius Caesar
- George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll
- Jimmy Carter
- Lillian Gordy Carter
- Catherine II of Russia
- Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury
- William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley
- Stan Chambers
- Dorothy Buffum Chandler
- Charles III of Spain
- Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
- Charles the Simple
- Mary Chesnut
- Christian IV of Denmark
- Chu Teh
- Edward Clark
- Samuel Clemens
- Cleopatra VII of Egypt
- Christopher Columbus
- Constantine I
- Constantine V
- Constantine XI Palaiologos
- Charles Cornwallis
- Hernán Cortés
- Bing Crosby
- Thomas Cruse
- Jim Curley
- Libbie Custer
- Virginius Dabney
- Edouard Daladier
- Josephus Daniels
- Horace Darley
- Jefferson Davis
- Varina Davis
- L. Sprague de Camp
- Léon Degrelle
- George Dewey
- Thomas Dewey
- Charles Dimmock
- Karl Dönitz
- Mike Donlin
- Jimmy Doolittle
- Andrés Dorantes de Carranza
- Stephen Douglas
- Frederick Douglass
- Arthur Conan Doyle
- Willem Drees
- William Duckworth
- Belva Gaertner
- Mohandas Gandhi
- Isabella Stewart Gardner
- John Nance Garner
- Lucius Gartrell
- Ketevan Geladze
- George III of the United Kingdom
- Geronimo
- Carlo Gesualdo
- Carter Glass
- Barry Goldwater
- Mikhail Gorbachev
- Hermann Göring
- Ulysses S. Grant III
- George Grenville
- Emil Hácha
- Hannibal Hamlin
- Wade Hampton III
- W. Averell Harriman
- Benjamin Harrison
- Anne Hathaway (Shakespeare's Wife)
- Rutherford B. Hayes
- Patrick Hemingway
- Henry VIII of England
- Lina Heydrich
- Paul von Hindenburg
- Angela Hitler
- Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
- Sir Thomas Hoo IV, Lord of Hoo and Hastings
- Herbert Hoover
- Harry Hopkins
- Charles Evans Hughes
- Cordell Hull