The Southern Victory Series, also known as TL-191, is comprised of several novels, beginning with How Few Remain, which detail the separation of the Confederacy from the United States in the War of Secession, and the series of wars which followed in North America over the subsequent century. A separate timeline with a CSA victory in the Second American Revolution is described in the novel The Guns of the South.
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Confederate States Presidential Election, 1921 (Southern Victory) -
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All items (1091)
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- Acton, Ontario
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- Albertville, Alabama
- Alcatraz Island
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- Alsace-Lorraine
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- Americus, Georgia
- Andersonville
- United States Naval Academy
- Appomattox
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- Argentina
- Argentine Air Force
- Argentine Army
- Argentine Navy
- Arizona
- HMS Ark Royal
- Arkansas
- Arlington National Cemetery
- Armenians
- Army of the Potomac
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- Athens, Georgia
- Atlanta
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- Atomic bomb
- Augusta, Georgia
- Austin, Texas
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- Beaver, Pennsylvania
- Beggs
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- Belgium
- Berlin
- Bermuda
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- Bismarck, North Dakota
- Black Hundreds
- Blue Ridge Mountains
- Bluffton
- Boeing-17 (Southern Victory)
- Boeing-37 (Southern Victory)
- Boeing-71 (Southern Victory)
- Bolivia
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- Bounding Mine
- Braswell Monument
- Brazil
- Brest, France
- Brigham Young University
- Brighton, East Sussex
- British Army
- British Cavalry Lance 1868 pattern
- British Cavalry Trooper's Sword 1908 pattern
- British Columbia
- British Empire
- Broadway
- Brodie helmet
- Brooklyn
- Bruges
- Buckingham, Virginia
- Bucyrus
- Buffalo, New York
- Bulgaria
- Cabo San Lucas
- Cadiz, Kentucky
- Cairo, Illinois
- Caledonia, Ontario
- Calgary
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- Calhoun, Kentucky
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- Cambridge, Ontario
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- Canon de 75 modèle 1897
- Canton, Ohio
- Cap-Haïtien
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- Charlotte, North Carolina
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- Cheraw, South Carolina
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- Chilean Navy
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- Cigarettes