
This category lists historical figures (people who are directly based on and share the same name with real people) who appear as characters in the works of Harry Turtledove, or, who are referenced in the works of Harry Turtledove. Typically, referenced historical figures should get articles if the reference gives the reader insight into how a particular timeline works. For example, George Washington has never been a character in a Turtledove work. However, he is featured very prominently as the subject of a painting in The Two Georges. In Southern Victory, both the United States and the Confederate States at once claim him as a Founding Father yet at the same time each view him with a measure of negativity. Otherwise, references to historical figures that are incidental or "off the cuff" should go in References to Historical Figures in Turtledove's Work, Performance Arts References in Turtledove's Work, Literary Allusions in Turtledove's Work, or Sports References in Turtledove's Work.

People who are still alive as of this writing should go into the Living People sub-category.

All items (1663)
