
Bushwhacking was a form of guerrilla warfare common during the American Revolutionary War, American Civil War and other conflicts in which there were large areas of contested land and few governmental resources to control these tracts. This was particularly prevalent in rural areas during the Civil War where there were sharp divisions between those favoring the United States and Confederate States in the conflict. The perpetrators of the attacks were called bushwhackers.

Bushwhackers in "The Last Word"[]

Bushwhacking was the primary strategy of American resistance against the Draka following the Final War. The men of the Nantahala Redoubt put up a good example.

Bushwhackers in Southern Victory[]

Bushwhackers was a slang term applied to Confederate guerrillas who ambushed U.S. forces while they their deep into Confederate territory during the Second Great War. The US response during and after the War was to execute hostages from the nearest civilian population if the guilty individuals did not turn themselves in. Unsurprisingly, this only made the former Confederate civilians hate their occupiers more and make attacks more common.

The term 'bushwhackers'was applied to the black guerrillas who fought the Featherston Administration during the Second Great War and in some cases, even before the War. Cassius Madison, named after another notorious 'bushwhacker', actually killed Jake Featherston himself. These guerrillas were more likely to survive than an average black person, as most blacks in the CSA were placed in concentration camps.

Bushwhackers were also found in Europe. Pro-German Ukrainians and those inclined to support the Russian Empire clashed in the Ukraine from the time the country was established as a puppet by German Empire after the Great War. The Balkans were a hotbed of Serbian and many other types of nationalists who fought the Austro-Hungarian Empire , using guerrilla tactics, with the aid of the Russians. Russia itself was the site was of Red guerrilla activity, after the latter's defeat at the hand of the Tsarist army in the Russian Civil War.

Bushwhackers in The Valley-Westside War[]

A Valley soldier on occupation duty in Westwood was murdered, and no one owned up to it. Five Westsiders were strung up from lampposts, with a proclamation that next time, it would be ten. Nobody bushwhacked any more Valley soldiers after that.[1]

Bushwhackers in Worldwar[]

Bushwhacking was a guerrilla tactic developed by citizens of the Confederate States during what their grandchildren called the "States' War". Rance Auerbach, a Texan soldier in the US Army, felt that this history of being a defeated region was what gave American Southerners a leg up on their Northern compatriots, when it came to organizing resistance against the Race during the Lizard war of the 1940s.

