Buffalo Panorama 2015-1-

Buffalo is the second most populous city in the state of New York after New York City. Located in Western New York on the eastern shores of Lake Erie and at the head of the Niagara River across from Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada, Buffalo is the seat of Erie County and the principal city of the Buffalo-Niagara Falls metropolitan area, the largest in Upstate New York.

Originating around 1789 as a small trading community near the eponymous Buffalo Creek, Buffalo grew quickly after the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825, with the city as its western terminus

Buffalo in Days of Infamy[]

Buffalo was the home of a Navy training station where Joe Crosetti completed his flight education in 1943.[1] The graduation ceremony in Front Park was hosted by the Mayor of Buffalo.[2]

Buffalo in The Hot War[]

President Harry Truman made a speech in Buffalo in May 1952, urging people to vote for a Democrat as his successor. Steven Pankow, a local businessman who hoped to be the next mayor, hosted the event.[3]

Truman's decision to go to this innocuous, routine meeting, saved him from being in Washington when the atomic bombs hit the national capital.[4]

Buffalo in Southern Victory[]

Buffalo was raided by British ironclads in 1881 during the Second Mexican War.

Buffalo in The Two Georges[]

Doshoweh was the capital of The Six Nations. As such, it was dominated by the Iroquois. However, between one quarter to one third of the residents were white. While the commercial core was indistinguishable from any European style city (aside from bilingual English-Iroquois signage), this was not the case for outlying residential districts. Many of the Iroquois areas had traditional longhouses and vegetable patches rather than flower beds in front while white areas had houses typical of other northeast American provinces.

Deohstegaa was a district of Doshoweh on the shore of Lake Erie, which the Iroquois called Tecarneodi.

The main English language daily newspaper of both the city and of The Six Nations was the Doshoweh Sentinel.

In 1995, Colonel Thomas Bushell's investigation into the theft of The Two Georges led him to Doshoweh. There he found Dr. Kathleen Flannery whose own investigation led her to the city and who Bushell compelled to have join him and Capt. Samuel Stanley rather than work independently. Major Shikalimo of the local constabulary also proved to be helpful in the case.

Buffalo in Worldwar[]

Buffalo was overrun by the Race's Conquest Fleet, marking the eastward extent of occupation into western New York and Pennsylvania. Only by arriving in the hottest part of summer were the cold-hating "Lizards" able to establish themselves there.


  1. End of the Beginning, pgs. 117-122, HC.
  2. Ibid., pgs. 145-148.
  3. Fallout, p. 379-383.
  4. Ibid., p. 386-390.