Benjamin Harrison
Historical Figure
Nationality: United States of America
Year of Birth: 1833
Year of Death: 1901
Cause of Death: Influenza and Pneumonia
Religion: Presbyterian
Occupation: Author of Non-Fiction, Lawyer, Soldier
Spouse: Caroline Lavinia Scott (d. 1892)
Mary Scott Lord Dimmick
Children: Russell, Mary, Elizabeth
Relatives: William Henry Harrison (grandfather)
Military Branch: Union

Army (American Civil War)

Political Party: Whig Party (early 1850s-1856);
Republican Party (1856-1901)
Political Office(s): United States Senator from Indiana,
President of the United States
Fictional Appearances:
Southern Victory
POD: September 10, 1862
Appearance(s): How Few Remain
Type of Appearance: Contemporary reference
Military Branch: US Army (War of Secession)
Political Party: Republican Party
Political Office(s): U.S. Secretary of War

Benjamin Harrison (August 20, 1833 – March 13, 1901) was the 23rd President of the United States, serving one term from 1889 to 1893. The grandson of William Henry Harrison, the 9th President, Harrison was born in North Bend, Ohio, and moved to Indianapolis, Indiana at the age of 21, where he became a prominent state politician. During the American Civil War, Harrison served as a Brigadier General in the XX Corps of the Army of the Cumberland. After the war he unsuccessfully ran for the governorship of Indiana, but was later appointed to the U.S. Senate from that state.

Harrison, a Republican, was elected to the presidency in 1888, defeating the Democratic incumbent, Grover Cleveland, in the electoral college, despite having a minority of the popular vote - one of four Presidents to be elected due to this particular loophole.

His presidential administration is most remembered for its economic legislation, including the McKinley Tariff and the Sherman Antitrust Act, and for annual federal spending that reached one billion dollars for the first time. Democrats attacked the "Billion Dollar Congress", and used the issue, along with the growing unpopularity of the high tariff, to defeat the Republicans, both in the 1890 mid-term elections and in Harrison's bid for reelection in 1892. He also saw the admittance of six states into the Union, which were North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Washington, Idaho, and Wyoming. This was the largest number admitted under a single presidential term.

After losing the 1892 presidential election to former president Grover Cleveland, he returned to private life at his home in Indianapolis.

Benjamin Harrison in Southern Victory[]

Benjamin Harrison served as the Secretary of War in President James Blaine's Administration. He oversaw the U.S. military during the Second Mexican War, and so shouldered some of the blame for its failures during the war.[1]

Literary Comment[]

While the text is not clear that the Secretary of War is indeed Benjamin Harrison, the presence of other familiar historical figures in the same cabinet supports the idea.

See also[]


  1. How Few Remain, pg. 48, pb, p. 40, hc.