The 1936 Olympics were hosted by Richmond, Virginia, the capital of the Confederate States. President Jake Featherston and his Director of Communications, Saul Goldman, turned the Olympics into a public relations extravaganza, showing the world that the nation had, under the leadership of the Freedom Party, recovered from its Great War defeat and postwar economic hardships.
During the Olympic Games, Featherston survived an attempt on his life made by a black hot dog vendor while watching a swim meet. The would-be assassin was killed by Clarence Potter--who had himself intended to kill Featherston during the event.
Featherston had originally intended to prohibit black athletes from participating in the games, but the International Olympic Committee overrode him. Much to Featherston's disappointment, a Haitian runner won a bronze medal in a sprinting event.
The greatest Confederate win during the 1936 Olympics was at the track and field event, where a Confederate narrowly defeated a U.S. runner in the 100-yard dash. At the moment the C.S. runner won, the entire Confederate section of the audience went wild.
While people from all over the world were attending the Olympics in northern Richmond, the city itself was cleaned up beforehand by Freedom Party Stalwarts and other young men, with so-called Mitcheltowns all over Richmond shut down and their residents relocated out of sight. Freedom Party stalwarts and guards put away their bludgeons and spent the duration of the Games as tour guides and help booth operators.