
These characters appear in the short work "The Mammyth". Owing to the very simple nature of the piece, they have been placed on a single page.

The Narrator

The narrator told the story of Tundra Dawn's quest for the mammyth. Before he began that tale, he explained that the mammyth was "out there" unless it wasn't. He then began to describe how to find the mammyth, then he realized he describing how to find another creature, but there was no need to be snarky about it.

He repeated a claim that pictures of a throne made of mammyth ivory could be found in Fallmereyer's tome, Geistkunstgeschichtliche Wissenschaft. The narrator further repeated a rumor that someone removed every image from every copy of the Fallmerayer work; as there were only ever nine copies (eleven with a tail wind), this was impossible.

He concluded his introduction to the mammyth by retelling the story of an Emperor who once wore a robe made from mammyth skin and paraded down the main thoroughfare of his capital, and a little boy who made have said nasty things about the robe.

While the narrator allowed he could go on and on, especially as he was being paid by the word, he realized it was time to tell the tale of Tundra Dawn's quest for the mammyth.

Tundra Dawn, Cleveland, and Ptremendous Tarmigan

Tundra Dawn was a puppet warrior made of terry cloth and foam rubber. She decided to go a quest for a mammyth for the ivory and wool she'd harvest. Completing the quest would also allow her to shuck her chainmail shirt. Joining her were her two sidekicks, Cleveland and Tremendous Ptarmigan. Cleveland was fuzzy and blue, and not too bright. Tremendous Ptarmigan (who also spelled it "Ptremendous Tarmigan", and sometimes went by TP/PT) was also not terribly bright and had a high-pitched voice, but he was an optimist and could see for great distances.  He claimed his best friend was a mammyth, but no one had ever seen it.

Early on their quest, they came to the city of Metropolis, the capital of a kingdom. It was surrounded by an eerie canal inhabited by ghosts. The city itself was waiting for the adventurers to arrive and get on with things. They were given entry by a gate guard, who recommended they use the Metro.

As a Metro station was next to the city gate, the three able to quickly board (helping to bypass exposition) after paying first the Metrognome then one of the trolls who pulled the train. The train passed several stations, including Avenue J, Lois Lane and Avenue Q (which prompted Cleveland to start double-clicking, even though they were supposed to be in a family story).

Gate Guard

A guard at the gates of Metropolis challenged Tundra Dawn, Cleveland, and Tremendous Ptarmigan when they arrived. When Cleveland began to tell the guard that they were hunting the mammyth, Tundra stamped his foot in order to shut him up, and told the guard "We want talk to the King, man."

The guard helpfully directed the three to the subway, which was called "the Metro". When Tremendous Ptarmigan (not a bright bird) asked the guard why it was called that, the guard (also not bright) said he didn't know as he let them pass.
